Vittorio Acquati, a graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, is a designer and researcher in the field of woodworking technologies.
Valentina Andreucci is an art historian and consultant in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and education. She teaches History of Modern and Contemporary Art and History of Design at the Poliarte Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ancona.
Diego Maria Cappiello, a graduate in architectural decoration from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, is a designer and decorator.
Luigi Costato, former professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara, has been appointed President of the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Rovigo.
Enrico Maria Davoli is an art historian and critic. He teaches History of Contemporary Art and History of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
Fabio De Marco is a graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
Roberta De Martino, art historian, is a founding member of Nesea Capri, for which she is involved in the promotion and organisation of cultural events on the island, where she collaborates on educational projects at the Certosa di San Giacomo. Her publications include Diefenbach e Capri, Grimaldi & C., Naples 2013 (with Antonia Tafuri).
Francesca Deplano, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, is a decorator, illustrator and designer.
Beatrice Giannoni is an artist and restorer. She teaches Traditional Decoration (Ancient Techniques) and Drawing for Decoration at the Ligustica Academy in Genoa.
Augusto Giuffredi, sculptor and restorer, has taught restoration at the Academies of Carrara, Milan, Naples and Bologna. He works on the the history of techniques and restoration of stone, plaster, stucco and terracotta.
Alberto Goglio is a painter and author of numerous decorative interventions for public spaces. He is a teacher at the Liceo Statale “Leonardo” in Brescia.
Ivan F.A. Ingraffia is a graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
Marco Lazzarato is a painter, decorator and theorist, as well as a consultant in the fields of art industry and education. He teaches Mosaic and Drawing for Decoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
Renato Maggiolo is the co-founder of “Il profumo della freschezza” in Lusia, near Rovigo.
Bruno Manfredini worked for a large multinational company and travelled to more than forty countries around the world, collecting books, works of art, folklore and ethnography.
Simone Martinotta is a student at the School of New Technologies of Art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
Sara Palestra is a graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
Danka Perovic, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, is a ceramist and decorator.
Rosemary Rodrigues, a graduate of the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts, works for the Stellamaris cultural association in Bologna.
Rossella Ruzza works freelance in the fields of tourism and cultural and environmental heritage.
Giorgia Salerno is a historian and art critic. She is currently curator of the MAR – Museo d’Arte della città di Ravenna.
Pier Francesco Sciuto, an expert in geochemistry, mineralogy, marine geology, geographical information systems and applied geology, works for the Seismic and Soil Geology Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region and is curator of the Sandra Forni Geological Garden Museum in Bologna.
Luca Sommariva is a student of Design and Visual Communication at Politecnico in Milan.
Francesca Spezia is a decorator and designer.
Antonia Tafuri, art historian, has been working for the Ministry of Culture – Regional Directorate of Museums of Campania since 1999, and since 2006 at the Certosa di San Giacomo in Capri, as contact person for communication and educational services. Her publications include Diefenbach e Capri, Grimaldi & C., Naples 2013 (with Roberta De Martino).
Asuka Tsuchiya, a conservator at the Kan Yasuda Museum in Bibai since 2016, studied restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara and the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, where she received a diploma in restoration of stone materials.
Nicholas Vecchiato is a graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.